Author: kenneth

Petya Ransomware Alert

Organisations across Russia, Ukraine, Spain, France, UK, India and Europe have reported a new attack similar to Wannacry.  The Ransomware, named Petya, demands $300 in bitcoins. Just like Wannacry, Petya is a type of ransomware that aims at blocking access to the hard drive of users PC. Petya modifies boot loader so that it loads […]

Mobile Banking Threats

There has been a rise in the number of mobile banking threats where cyber attackers exploit vulnerable applications.  The threats include mobile banking Trojans, third-party applications, web-based attacks, malicious programs for Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Point of Sale (POS) terminals. The geography of the mobile banking threats below shows the percentage of users attacked […]

The Evolving Trends of CyberBullying

  In Kenya cyber-bullying incidences have increased steadily becoming a threat and tend to manifest itself through social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, blogs, short message service (SMS), emails, YouTube videos and even phone calls.  According to NTV Kenya, Brenda Akinyi Maone Waru committed suicide after members of a Facebook group bullied her […]

How to Protect Yourself from Wannacry Cyber-Attack

According to BBC News, WannaCry Ransomware has infected more than 200,000 computers in 150 countries. See the visualization as provided by Kaspersky below:   In Kenya as at 19th May 2017, the Communication Authority reported 19 instances where the Wannacry ransomware had infected computers as can be seen in the tweet below;     WannaCry […]


Cyber-attacks are severely affecting industries across the globe, including the state corporations, financial institutions, energy sector, health sector and even retail sectors. Cyber-attacks are appearing everywhere in the world and this is becoming a great worry for businesses. Cyber-attacks in Kenya that are highlighted here include: Alex Mutuku an IT expert charged with hacking into […]